Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Two naïve students

I can say that it has been long since I woke up at 7:30 am. Today, it was not easy to get up from my warm bed, but my Japanese visa is about to expire and I also had a meeting with Celso to be at University early. We were expecting to collect the necessary documents to go to the immigration office and renew our visas.

The sudden surprise was that the office was closed, hence the high school students having the entrance examination day. It was like a déjà vu, because they stopped us at the first door. It reminded me of the Canadian immigration, where I really got scared. Obviously, Celso was not there to help me.

It was a waste of time to go there so early. We could not get the papers, but I could check everything before leaving the laboratory today. I am very proud of myself.


Unknown said...

Sabe, durante essas ultimas semanas, estive pensando mto em 'o que estou fazendo com minha vida'... e to entrando em crise. Crise pq queria viver mais, aproveitar mais, sentir mais, ser mais feliz... virar mochileira, trabalhar de garconete, juntar os trapos com alguem... quem sabe isso nao e o meu destino??
Sinto mta falta de vcs... de vc, meu amigo master, das conversas serias, dos conselhos, das risadas, dos direcionamentos... saudade, saudade msm... bjux mtos

Celso Satoshi Sakuraba said...

Véio, q foto é essa q tu colocou?!? Uahahahaha, comedião!!!